Marvel Characters

Anthony Edward “Tony” Stark is an self-described genius, billionaireIronman, playboy and philanthropist and the former head of Stark Industries. Using his own great wealth and exceptional technical knowledge, Stark enjoyed the playboy lifestyle for many years until he was kidnapped by the Ten Rings. With his life on the line, Stark created an armored suit which he used to escape his captors, returning home and becoming the armored superhero known as Iron Man, battling against terrorists as well as his own former business partner Obadiah Stane. Stark enjoyed the fame that came with his new secret identity and decided to share it with the world, publicly announcing himself as Iron Man.

Captain Steven Grant “Steve” Rogers is a world warCaptain ll veteran and is known as the world’s first superhero. Born in Brooklyn, New York City, Rogers suffered from many health deficiencies and upon America’s entry into the second world war, he was rejected from the military for meeting requirement, despite having applied several times. Determined to serve his country, Rogers enrolled for the top secret Super Soldier program to which the frail Rogers was enhanced to the peak of human physical form. He soon joined the war however as a mascot, given the name Captain America. Feeling underutilized Cap went on to single-handedly liberate captured allies.  

Thor Odinson is the current king of Asgard, Thora founding member of the Avengers, and the God of Thunder. When Thor was younger he was irresponsible and reckless with his powers which resulted in restarting an ancient conflict between Asgard and Jotunheim, Thor was then denied to right to be King, stripped of his powers and exiled by his father Odin to Earth. During his banishment, Thor learned humility, finding his new love Jane Foster, and helping to save his new friends from a destructive threat sent by his adoptive brother Loki.

Robert Bruce Banner is world renowned scientist HULKwho was highly respected due to his vast knowledge in Gamma Radiation. Having been set a task to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that powered Captain America by General Ross, Bruce conducted an experiment with Gamma Radiation. However, due to a laboratory error, Banner was exposed to the Gamma Radiation and now had found that when angered or provoked, he would turn into a huge, mindless, green skinned monster known as the Hulk.

Peter Parker otherwise known as Spider-Man is a high school student and superhero with spider-like abilities. After being bitten by a genetically modified spider during a school trip, Parker has now chosen to be the friendly neighborhoodSpiderman Spider-Man, protecting Queens from all it’s weird and dangerous villains. Despite his best efforts to keep his identity a secret from the world to protect his family and friends, he was found and recruited by Tony Stark in the Avengers Civil War, gaining a new suit and technology in exchange for his help. Soon after the Civil War, Parker was able to keep his snazzy suit. Having built himself a reputation with the people of Queens, with that comes a string of criminals trying to take him down, the Vulture being his latest enemy. Wanting to prove to Tony Stark that he is Avengers worthy, Parker went into pursuit, taking down the Vulture’s gang one by one and only after defeating the Vulture did Parker discover the true responsibilities of a hero.

Doctor Stephen Strange is a powerful sorcerer and a leading member of the Master of the Mystic Arts. Before learning the MysticDoctor Strange Arts, Strange was a truly brilliant and renowned yet arrogant neurosurgeon. The Doctor then suffered from a car accident that had resulted in his hands being crippled. Having undergone countless surgeries from USA’s elite doctors. Strange began researching peculiar methods found in the Eastern countries. This then led him to the Masters of the Mystic Arts as well as the discovery of magic and alternative dimensions, being trained by the Ancient One. Though his focus was to heal his hands, Strange learned that there is threats that want to take over this world and alas he found a new sense of responsibility. Strange abandoned his previous life and became the protector of the New York Sanctum as well as Earth’s protector from any inter-dimensional threats.

T’Challa is current monarch of the African nationBlack Panther of Wakanda. As the Wakandan King, he is also the current holder of the Black Panther mantle. After the death of his Father due to the bombing attack orchestrated by Helmut Zemo, the Black Panther set out to kill the Winter Soldier, whom was widely believed to be responsible for the attack. After being drawn into the Avengers Civil War and aiding Iron Man, He later learned the truth about Zemo’s deception and decided to help the Winter Soldier by granting him safety in Wakanda and also decided to him cure him from his Mental Programming.